Spinal disorders and deformities are considered as one of the most complex ailments encountered in medical practice. Numerous people suffer from a wide range of spinal diseases which includes conditions such as compression syndromes, lumbar and cervical disc diseases as well as rheumatoid arthritis, spinal cord malformations, spinal cord, andvertebral tumors, trauma, and infections. Above listed problems can be because of abnormal development by birth i.e., congenital diseases. It can also because of aging wear and tear i.e., degenerative. These conditions can also be because of trauma caused by injury or infection from a tumor. Find the best Neurosurgeons at Best Neurology Hospitals in India, Neurosurgeons are the experts who treat brain and spine related diseases and disorders.
The spine comprises of 26 bones known as vertebrae which support and protect the spinal cord and nerves.Some Conditions and injuries affect the spine and damages the vertebrae, limit mobility, and also cause pain. In India, our neurosurgeons, physiatrists, pain physicians, psychologists, orthopedic surgeons, and other specialists have broad experience in treating all kinds of spine disorders and diseases and deformities.
There are many types of spine disorders, and it also has a wide variety of causes which depends on the specific condition. In several conditions the reasons are unknown. Some common causes include:
· Inflammation
· Accidentsor falls
· Congenital Disorders
· Infection
· Inherited Disorders
· Minor And traumatic injuries
· Aging Wear and tear
Anyone can suffer from spine disorders, but some people are more prone to it. Some people have more risk of developing spine problems they are:
· People Having excess weight or obesity
· People Using improper lifting techniques
· Abad lifestyle like low calcium intake, smoking, etc
· Medical Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or thyroid disease
· Overuse from exercise
· Poor Posture
· Repetitive Strenuous activities
Below we have listed some symptoms of spine disorders. They are
· Bladder else bowel dysfunction
· Pain Radiating in legs or arms
· Stiffness
· Back or neck pain which is stabbing and sharp
· Vomiting
· Uneven Appearance such as one shoulder or hip higher than other
· Numbness,weakness
Our specialties in the best neurology hospitals in India often use one or more than one treatments to treat spine and disorders. The treatment depends on the specific condition or injury. Some Treatments include:
· Ice Or heat therapy
· Backbracing
· Cancer Treatment like surgery to remove a tumor, radiosurgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy
· Injections For pain
· Disc Replacement surgery or surgery to fuse vertebrae or to repair nerves or to open the spinal canal
· Rehabilitation physical therapy to stretch and strengthen the back
· Established In 2001
· Neurosurgical Experts focus on using minimally invasive techniques whenever possible.
· Neurosurgery Is well-armed with modern equipment.
· Established In 1996
· Neurology Department is well-equipped to treat most common neurological problems
· Hospital Has an uppermost level of proficiency in neurosurgery, neurology,neuro-psychology, neuro-anesthesia, and interventional neurology.
· Established In 1959
· Hospitalis one of the leading neurosurgical centers providing the cyber knife for treatment of brain tumors along with vascular surgery without cutting open the skull.
· Its departments has several specialized subunits
· Established In 2007
· Counted Amongst the best neurosurgery hospital in India for neurological treatment
· The Neurosurgery department is connected with the latest equipment for precise diagnosis as well as treatment
· Established In 2009
· It Was the first hospital to perform a complex brain aneurysm surgery successfully
· Complementary Therapies have been taken up for a range of movement disorders
The spinal cord is recognized as the main pathway of communication amid the brain and the rest of the body. Thus it is imperative to take proper care of it. In case any symptoms occur, you should visit one of the best neurosurgeons working in above listed best neurology hospitals in India to avoid difficult situations.
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