Kratom vs. THC? Breaking Down How These Plant-Based Compounds Differ

kratom vs thc

The primary distinction between THC and kratom is their origins: THC is derived from the cannabis plant and functions by binding to the endocannabinoid system’s CBD receptors. Kratom, on the other hand, is made from the leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree and attaches itself to the brain’s dopamine and serotonin receptors. 

Research has demonstrated that cannabis has a number of therapeutic benefits that could aid in the treatment of various illnesses. Getting a medical marijuana card Oklahoma is essential if you plan to include marijuana in your treatment plan. This will allow you to legally access marijuana and prevent you from facing any legal ramifications. 

What Is Kratom?

A herbal supplement called Kratom has stimulant properties without the use of caffeine. Although the plant doesn’t naturally contain caffeine, some kratom products do. Higher dosages of kratom have been shown to have sedative effects.

How It Works

The stimulating effects of kratom are thought to be caused by the mitragynine in the plant binding to dopamine and serotonin receptors in the brain. High doses of kratom can be sedative because mitragynine also binds to opioid receptors in the brain and may help with opioid withdrawal symptoms.


In Southeast Asian and Thai cultures, kratom leaves have been used to treat minor illnesses like fatigue and diarrhea. Traditionally, the leaves are brewed into a tea that has strong stimulant properties. In certain health food stores and other retail establishments in the United States, kratom is now sold as a powder or pill. Some people have used kratom to treat opioid withdrawal because mitragynine binds to opioid receptors. The effectiveness of kratom’s withdrawal and opioid dependence, however, have not been evaluated.

Potential Advantages

Potential benefits of kratom include pain relief, increased energy, and assistance with opioid addiction. However, before these possible advantages can be verified, more scientific study is required.

Potential Disadvantages

Although it can occasionally cause mild side effects like lightheadedness, kratom can also lead to more serious problems. Some people, particularly those with congenital heart defects or other cardiovascular issues, may experience heart problems as a result of the herbal supplement’s potential to raise blood pressure. Other risks linked to kratom use include liver damage and pregnancy risks. Kratom can also slow breathing because of its sedative effects at higher dosages. Additionally, Kratom is addictive, and an overdose could be fatal.

What Is THC?

The main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is the most common cannabinoid in cannabis, along with cannabidiol (CBD).

How It Works

In addition to directly or indirectly influencing other receptor systems in the body, THC binds to receptors in the endocannabinoid system (ECS), whereas mitragynine binds to serotonin, dopamine, and opioid receptors. Many of our most important life processes, including immunity, reproduction, memory, and appetite, are regulated by the ECS. THC transmits signals to parts of the brain that regulate memory, for instance, when it binds to ECS receptors. Cannabis may affect long-term memory, according to some sources, while others say it makes studying and remembering easier. These effects may be brought on by variations in each person’s ECS as well as the kind and dosage of cannabis being used. 


THC-rich cannabis products are frequently used to treat chemotherapy-induced nausea and chronic pain. Dronabinol, a synthetic THC-derived medication used to treat nausea in cancer patients, received FDA approval in 1985, but the majority of cannabis products do not.   

Potential Advantages

Among the numerous possible advantages of THC products are:

  • Reduction in the discomfort caused by MS symptoms.
  • Reduced prevalence of sleeplessness.
  • Reduction of anxiety.
  • Stimulation of the appetite in HIV/AIDS patients.
  • Reduction of neuropathic (nerve) pain, which is difficult to treat.
  • Reduced Parkinson’s disease tremors.
  • Control the pain associated with cancer and possibly eradicate cancerous cells.

THC has been linked to numerous additional potential therapeutic benefits, which is why the list of requirements for obtaining a medical marijuana card keeps expanding.

Potential Disadvantages

The psychoactive qualities of THC are the main cause of the risks and disadvantages for most users. CBD is a good substitute because some people want the health benefits of cannabis without getting wasted.

THC may also result in the following adverse effects in addition to undesired intoxication:

  • Fatigue
  • Red eyes
  • Agitation
  • Headache
  • Cottonmouth
  • Digestive issues, including nausea

Using cannabis products that contain lower concentrations of the powerful cannabinoid can help mitigate many of the mild to moderate risks associated with THC.

Comparing THC and Kratom: Similarities and Differences

First, the primary psychoactive component of cannabis is THC, a cannabinoid present in the plant. Although it comes from a different plant—an evergreen tree cultivated in Southeast Asia—kratom is also psychoactive. Additionally, the psychoactive effects of kratom are typically restricted to sedative effects at higher dosages and stimulant effects at low to moderate doses. The effects of THC, on the other hand, can be more varied and dynamic, encompassing sedation, euphoria, stimulation, arousal, appetite stimulation, stress reduction, and many other effects.

THC can give you a variety of mental effects, such as increased energy or drowsiness. Numerous factors, including concentrations, strains, and individual tolerance levels, influence the effects of THC. Since THC is typically found in cannabis, it is typically used in conjunction with a variety of other terpenes, flavonoids, and cannabinoids that also have an impact.

Kratom is a herbal extract that contains a variety of compounds that have biphasic effects, meaning that different dosages produce different effects. This indicates that while the science behind how kratom and cannabis function is somewhat similar, their pharmacological properties are completely different.

Despite the fact that THC’s effects are more unpredictable than kratom’s, we can say that there has never been a fatal overdose from cannabis use. The same cannot be said for kratom, which between 2011 and 2017 was connected to 11 recorded fatalities in the United States.

THC vs. Kratom: How to Choose What’s Best for You

In certain situations, THC might be safer and more efficient than kratom.

THC: When to Use It

Among the most popular uses of THC are euphoria, pain relief, and nausea prevention. However, there are dozens of additional potential health benefits associated with the cannabinoid, ranging from enhancing workouts to shrinking tumors.  

Kratom: When to Use It

Although more research is needed to fully evaluate this claim, kratom may be helpful for people attempting to overcome opioid addiction. However, you should consult your physician before using kratom to stop using opioids. Aside from addiction, some people take small amounts of kratom supplements when they need to feel more alert and don’t want to drink coffee. However, it would be wise to exercise caution or refrain from using kratom due to its possible narcotic and addictive qualities.


Although they originate from different plant species and have distinct physiological effects, THC and kratom are both natural remedies that may help some people with their pain. Although legal, THC and kratom products are not FDA-approved and are not subject to regulations. When taking dietary supplements, exercise caution and consult your physician to determine whether kratom or THC is right for you.

With a medical marijuana card, you can enjoy a wide variety of THC and cannabis products. Apply for Iowa medical marijuanas card online at our entirely virtual clinic by getting in touch with our licensed physicians right now.