How to Massage a Sprained Ankle Correctly

sprained ankle

Sprained ankle is one of the most common complaints that can occur because of physical exertion, an unintentional turn or stumble, or a misstep. Perhaps fats should also be mentioned, but it may not be critical importance while rest and proper care are important for healing, and certainly, the massage therapy may also contribute to the process. Then the question comes in – is it allowable to massage a sprained ankle? The answer is yes—if employment branding is done correctly. In this blog you will learn the proper way of massaging a sprained ankle to minimize discomfort, enhance blood flow and enhance flexibility.

Should You Massage a Sprained Ankle?

Is it advisable to massage a sprained ankle soon after the accident occurred? However, what has not been previously testified is that during initial stages of the injury, that is immediately after the injury, one should not apply massaging to the affected area, in this case the ankle. In this stage, nothing works as well as the acronym known as RICE, which stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation for the affected area. After inflammation and swelling which usually starts within the first two days, you can start using sprained ankle massage to promote healing. If you’re seeking professional assistance, a therapist at a Massage in Anna Nagar can guide you through safe and effective massage techniques for recovery.

The Benefits of Ankle Massage for a Sprain

Massaging a sprained ankle can help in several ways:

Improved Circulation:

The increase of the blood circulation in the affected part accelerates the process of laying down new cells through Massage.

Reduced Swelling:

Massaging the tissues gently helps to reduce water accumulation since force will push it away from the swollen area.

Pain Relief:

A massage can relax some muscles around the ankle that causes pain and discomfort.

Increased Flexibility:

Levy 22 also explains that massage can gradually make the stiff tissue more pliable thus enhancing the movement at the ankle area.

How to Massage a Sprained Ankle


When beginning the massage, ensure that the ankle is properly positioning This will ensure that the patient has the right support when you begin massaging. Lie down or if you prefer elevate your leg on to a cushion and make yourself comfortable. The muscles of the ankle can also be eased with a warm compress for a few minutes before the massage.

Begin with Light Strokes:

To help start the blood flow start with effleurage which is light stroking around the ankle area. After that use your fingers to go up from the toes to the calf muscles without putting any pressure on the affected area. It dissuades the accumulation of fluids in the tissues and thereby lessens inflammation and oedema caused by impaired lymph flow.

If you’re unsure about the proper techniques or want professional assistance, searching for a Massage Near Me can connect you with a skilled therapist who can help guide you through the recovery process.

Focus on the Muscles Around the Ankle:

With the progression of your practicing, envision the environment or the structures around it, such as the Achilles tendon, calf muscle and muscles on the feet. In circular motions using your fingers or the thumb, apply a little pressure with your hand going around the joint. The step is useful in easing the tension in the affected muscles, a condition that accompanies a sprain most of the time.

Gradually Increase Pressure:

After the initial sensation has minimalized, it would be wise to apply pressure deeper into the area of the ankle. Pay attention to your ankle and seek help if ever you feel very uncomfortable or pains start getting sharper or intense. It is possible also to add some stroking of the muscles in order to decrease hardness and increase the flexibility of the muscles.

Massage Relieves Pain, Stretching Increases Flexibility

He then demonstrated how, after the massage , it is beneficial to perform movements that facilitate their freedom of movement. Swirl your foot around and massage the toes, or push your toes back and forth to promote the flexing action. These movements should be without pain, and undertaken gently.

When to Avoid Ankle Massage

Massage is a good thing, but like most things in life, there are certain times it is best to stay away from it. This is especially true if your ankle is painful and inflamed, with signs of excessive redness or a tendency for the skin to swell up in the form of a bruise. Moreover, it is advisable not to use a massage therapist if there is a worsening of pain or discomfort after a massage.With the help of the given tips, sprained ankle massage can become an essential part of your recovery process and relieve your pains faster. But this is crucial to understand when to and how to massage the affected sprained ankle to avoid making it worse. After the acute phase it is safe to perform a lot of benefits through ankle massage including increasing circulation, less swelling, etc. Remember to always follow your body signals and seek advice from your doctor in case you have no idea how to go ahead with certain kind of injury. If you’re unsure, visiting a professional at a Spa in Anna Nagar can provide proper guidance. Thus, if you follow the right process, you are assured that your sprained ankle will start healing very soon.