
Do you think that women are more likely to experience hair loss than men?

Hair loss from the scalp is typically considered a sign of baldness. Most cases of baldness are caused by inherited hair loss with aging. Many people prefer not to treat or hide their hair loss, letting it run its natural course. Meanwhile, others try to make it covered with their hairstyles, scarves, or hats. And still, some people choose to take treatments to restore hair growth.

Hair loss in women

Losing hair is a very common phenomenon among women, especially when it’s unexpected and severe. Some hairs are shed while others grow in, which is part of the natural cycle. If the balance is disrupted and less hair grows compared with the hair falling out. Losing hair is not the same thing as shedding hair. In medical terms, it is called “alopecia.”

It’s probably time to see a dermatologist if your hair part is widening, bald spots are appearing, or you are losing more than 100 hairs per day. Hair loss takes on several forms and has several causes. Even if there are very few things you can do to prevent hair loss, get to a dermatologist as soon as possible to start treatment!

Symptoms of Hair Loss

Various factors can cause different types of hair loss. Eventually, hair loss may result in thinning or sudden hair loss.

Certain symptoms include:

  • Overall thinning. The most common type of hair loss is thinning on top of the head. Both men and women suffer from this condition. Men commonly observe a receding hairline, but women usually notice a wider part.
  • Bald spots on the head. This can happen either in patches or in circular patterns. They are often found on the scalp and are usually the size of coins. If you are experiencing itching or pain immediately before you lose your hair, this may be the root cause.
  • Handfuls of hair. Sudden hair loss is not uncommon, especially when emotionally or physically traumatized. Hair may fall out quickly when you wash or comb it, resulting in overall thinness.
  • Full hair loss. A sudden loss of hair all over your body can occur suddenly with certain medical conditions, such as chemotherapy.

Types of Hair Loss (alopecia)

Several types of alopecia arise from factors such as genetics, poor hair care, or anything that triggers the body’s immune system to attack hair follicles.

Alopecia androgenetica

Alopecia androgenetica is a condition that occurs with female pattern baldness or due to genetics or family history. It generally begins between the ages of 13 and 40 and is the leading cause of hair loss in women. A thinning hairline and specific bald patches are symptoms of balding in men; however, hair loss is more evident in women as a general thinning of hair.

Alopecia areata

An alopecia areata is a sudden, patchy loss of hair on the head or body. A round bald patch may or may not overlap in the beginning of this condition.

Caitalic Alopecia

Caitalic alopecia is an irreversible hair loss condition caused by scarring. You lose hair and your follicles are replaced with scar tissue.

Traumatic Alopecias 

Hair loss results from traumatizing alopecias caused by hairstyling practices. When dyeing, straightening hair, certain chemicals or hot combs may cause the hair shaft to break.

Causes Hair loss

1. Menopause and hormone disparities

The hormones estrogen and progesterone are reduced during menopause, which may lead to hair loss in women. Menstrual cycle irregularities, dry skin, night sweats, weight gain, and vaginal dryness are also common symptoms associated with these changes. An increased amount of stress can also result in hair loss.

2. Sudden changes

In addition to male pattern baldness, telogen effluvium (TE) is the second most common cause. The disorder occurs when a change takes place in the number of hair follicles. It also occurs when hair is in a resting state.

3. Deficiency of B vitamins

Women with thinning hair or hair loss may be lacking certain vitamins and minerals. Some research suggests following a vegetarian diet, or overeating red meat may cause hair loss.

Effective Treatment

It’s probably time to see a dermatologist if your hair part is widening, bald spots appear, or you are losing more than 100 hairs per day. Hair loss takes on several forms and has several causes. Even if there are very few things you can do to prevent hair loss, get to a dermatologist as soon as possible to start treatment!

However, it is essential to note that there are several possible treatments and medications for hair loss due to female-pattern baldness or any other alopecias. It may take months or years for all the effects to be seen after using a single or a combination of treatments.

What PRF Treatment 

Even though PRP and PRF have some similarities, PRF is better for hair restoration because of some crucial differences.

A blood draw is required for both procedures, although PRF requires a smaller amount. Following the spinning of PRO in the centrifuge, heavier blood components, such as white blood cells and stem cells, are collected in the lower portion of the test tube, whereas plasma and platelets get collected in the upper part and then injected into the balding areas.

In recent studies, it has been shown that a combination of platelets, white blood cells, and stem cells promotes greater effectiveness. PRF provides this combination. A lower spin speed is used to create PRF since the layers of blood do not separate as sharply. Some stem cells and white blood cells stay in the platelet layer instead of getting separated. That means PRF is more effective than PRP at healing. Plus, centrifuges with slower speeds cause less trauma to cells.

Furthermore, PRP and PRF differ in final platelet concentrations. The platelets found in plasma after PRP are between two and five times those found in normal blood. In PRF, the platelet concentration is approximately ten times higher than in normal blood.

PRF is also free from any additives, whereas PRP uses an anticoagulant during blood processing. During the early stages of clot formation without the anticoagulant, PRF uses the fibrinogen circulating in the blood that is converted into fibrin by thrombin. It creates a spongy elastin matrix that helps preserve the stem cells and growth factors in the injected area, preventing them from diffusing, as can happen with PRP.


PRF hair restoration with Dr. J is a good option if you are experiencing hair loss. Although, it is believed that growth factors, stem cells, white blood cells, and platelets present in PRF are most effective when they are used to awaken dormant hair follicles. However, they are spending increasingly more time in the dormant phase and are still capable of growing hair. Because of this, PRF hair restoration is most effective when the patient has noticed hair loss at an early stage.

Women and men alike can benefit from PRP, especially if they are in the early stages of thinning hair. Additionally, women with traction alopecia, which is hair loss that results from excessive hair pulling and inhibiting hair growth, can benefit from it. People who have hair loss but don’t want to take medications regularly may also benefit from this procedure.


It’s a two-fold goal. In order to prevent hair loss, the hair follicles must cease to transition into the resting phase of hair growth for longer periods. Second, it is necessary to provide growth factors, stem cells, and platelets so that the follicles will be able to return to their growth phase.

You will notice a noticeable decrease in hair thinning and shedding as a first sign. In the next two to three months, you will begin to see real hair growth.

The whole process will be performed at our NuGrow Hair Restoration Clinic, so  you must be confident that Dr.J  and his certified dermatologists’ team will keep your best interests at heart during the entire process. 

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s call us today on (407)228-255 or visit our website  or visit our clinic at 7300 Sandlake Commons Blvd., Ste 227 D, Orlando, FL 32819 to start your journey to your newer, younger, fuller head of hair.


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