
A Detailed Guide to CBC and its Benefits

Among the many cannabis compounds that the scientific community has discovered, CBC is an abundant phytocannabinoid. The chemical compound may not be as popular as CBD or THC but it does contain some unique medical properties like the other cannabinoids of the cannabis plant. In this guide, we will be discussing CBD, its benefits and risks. Read on. 

What is CBC? 

CBC, also known by the names of cannabichromene, cannabichromene, pentylcannabichromene or cannabichromene is one of the many cannabinoids extracted from plant cannabis. The compound bears structural similarity to some of the prevalent cannabinoids, such as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), cannabidiol (CBD), cannabinol (CBN), and tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV).

How Does CBC Work? 

This interesting cannabinoid CBC, which was discovered in 1966, does not bind with any receptors like CB1 and CB2 like THC and CBD. It works by influencing other types of receptors, such as vanilloid receptors ( primarily TRPV1 and TRPA1, both are linked to pain perception ) which inhibits the secretion of your body’s endocannabinoid processes like anandamide. It is compared for its similarity with an MAOI, a class of antidepressants that prevent the enzymes from stopping the secretion of chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. 

Although the chemical compound has singular medical benefits, researchers also think that CBC binds with the other cannabinoids via entourage effect. The entourage effect is a mechanism where cannabis compounds (other than THC) work synergistically to balance the overall psychoactive effects of the plant. 

What Are the Benefits of CBC? 

Though CBC doesn’t enjoy much demand in the market like CBD or THC, much interest has been shown towards the compound for its medical potential. Well, not only CBC but compounds like CBD and THC are extremely popular for their unique medical properties and are easily accessible with a medical card where marijuana is legal.

 Let’s say you’re a resident of Anaheim, then you just need a medical marijuana card Anaheim to get cannabis products including CBC. Though a rigorous amount of research is needed to study the medical benefits of CBD, limited studies on animal models suggest that the compound can act as a therapeutic agent. Below are some of the benefits of CBC: 


There’s a growing body of evidence suggesting that CBC or cannabichromene could have analgesic properties. Again, a lack of research might question its potential in pain perception but a few studies on animal models showed that CBC does help in pain alleviation. Also, the compound binds with TRPV1 and TRPA1 which are known to provide relief in pain and neurogenic inflammation. 


Just like CBD and THC, CBC is also known to produce anti-inflammatory effects and explicit synergy when combined with other cannabinoids. Research also suggests that CBC’s anti-inflammatory effects involve a higher role of your gut. A 2019 study on CBC acknowledges the role of TRPV receptors including inflammation. The compound can provide relief from a range of inflammation issues, such as Irritability Bowel Syndrome (IBS), asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis.


Another benefit that CBC can offer is relief from diarrhoea. Growing pharmaceutical companies are interested in CBC’s potential to treat diarrhoea without causing constipation. The only thing that is taking CBC a step behind the other cannabinoids is its lack of studies, especially on human models. 


Different cannabis cannabinoids are popular for their potential to provide neuroprotection and CBC is no exception. A 2013 study on CBC suggested that the compound may help provide neuroprotective benefits to the neural stem cells. These cells are used to replace and repair damaged brain areas affected by stroke, injury or chronic-stress induced inflammation.

What Are the Risks? 

No doubt that CBC does contain a therapeutic potential but are there any risks? Again, everything comes down to the fact that not enough research has been done in this area to put forward statements with certainty. So, it becomes quite difficult to say about the potential risks that the cannabinoid might produce.


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