The Best Medical Marijuana Strains for Severe Nausea & Vomiting

7 years ago

A study report published in the British Journal of Pharmacy and reproduce in PMC by US National Library of Medicine,…

Tips For Vaping In The Summer

7 years ago

Summer calls for days spent outside in all sorts of different elements. With all this fun, we need to keep…


7 years ago

We have often heard that vaping is an art. We probably can’t put a date to when vaping was started…

Applying Marijuana to the body: Make your own cannabis topical

7 years ago

Every time we hear the word Marijuana, we think of that beautiful cerebral euphoria that makes the life of stoners…

Can non weed smokers run a marijuana delivery business?

7 years ago

Weed is probably one of those few things in this world that made everything else a bit more bearable. People…

Countries where People Smoke the Most

7 years ago

Smoking is often considered a mark of hard work and a signature of seriousness. Smoking, in general, is a very…

Accessories that Smokers can’t live Without

7 years ago

Smoking is a luxury that few people can understand. It is a lavish lifestyle and a statement for style. Many…

Sipping Wine Before a Smoke can give you a Longer Life!

7 years ago

Health advisories have always been ranting on about how smoking will eventually kill you. But hey, aren’t you going to…

Stoners Aren’t Loners: EVER!

7 years ago

Getting high is probably the best feeling that one can ever get. Marijuana. Just one word that can take you…

10 Ways Smoking Marijuana can Retain your Health

7 years ago

Smoking marijuana is becoming increasingly debated subject and the debate is set to continue for some time, at least until…