How to Drink in Style

Drinking is a very fine luxury. The glass you hold or the drink you drink is an immediate indicator of your personality. It tells others around you about your status, about your social existence, about what kind of a person you are and whether you have any class or not. Every wondered why a handful of guys at the bar always manage to score the girls while the others lay waiting? Well, the simplest answer to that could be in the way they hold their drink. The way one drinks up is an ultimate style statement. Let’s learn how to do that with a certain degree of panache & how to get alcohol delivery easily.

Top Tips
Drink Enthusiastically
Nothing can be worse than looking at someone who looks like he’s been forced to down some spirit. If you don’t want to drink what’s in front of you, just don’t drink. But if you must, then drink it like you are keen to. Swirl your wines around a bit, sniff up the spirits to enjoy its robust flavors. Do a little research and know more about what you are drinking so that you can understand how much effort goes into making that elixir that is sitting in your hands.
Drink Ebulliently
The fact that you are lucky enough to be sitting where you are and holding a glass of whiskey or any other spirit of your choice is in itself a matter of sheer joy. Look the part. Being full of joy and happiness is the only way you can be a good drinker. Everyone hates people who drink and start crying or sharing their sob stories.
Drink loquaciously
Don’t sit quietly! Make a noise, but don’t shout. Don’t create a ruckus and ballyhoo once you get drunk. It only means that you are completely out of control and you are dying to get some attention. Don’t be that person. Be someone who likes to talk. Talk sense. Talk about good informative things. Things that make people happy. That way, your chatter won’t be a part of the spirit that evaporates, but will be a part of the legends.
Drink Impiously
Don’t act too pious all the time. There are too many people who like to throw their weight around when they claim to be better than others while drinking. No one likes those people. Don’t try to be bossy or better than others. Just lay low for once. Be wicked. Do the wrong thing once in a while. Flirt a little, wear a low cut dress, kiss someone randomly and live a little. What’s the point of getting tipsy if you aren’t doing everything by the book? Be brave and face the new.
Hold your Drink
It’s nice to get drunk and all but what’s not nice is to see a gentle falling all over the place because they don’t know how to hold their drink. Be a bold person and order a stout of you like, but hold it. Drinks are meant to last long. Drinks aren’t the focus, company is. So, make sure that you give adequate respect to your company.
But yes, there are parties where it’s meant to be down and dirty. For those special occasions, don’t be worried about how you are behaving. Just remember, if you hold your drink and sip slowly, you will get a mellow yet present kind of a high which is perfect for most occasions.
Show your Drink Off
Don’t cover your glass up with a paper towel right to the top. Leave some space. You essentially want people to know what you are drinking. For this reason, it is also advisable to avoid mixing too many drinks. Cocktails don’t look half as stylish as solid drinks do. Mix water or soda so that the drink looks what it should look like.
If you want to make the right impression then ensure that you drink your alcohol on the rocks. Rums and whiskeys look beautiful when on the rocks. For other drinks it isn’t that important. Wines look lovely on their own and beer has its own style. Every other cocktail is substandard and won’t do you justice.
Know your Glasses
Drinking alcohol at a nice place has a lot to do with showing off. You want to impress people and make them realize you are a seasoned drinker and not an amateur. This is why you should know what you drink, what you like and what you don’t like and finally how it should be enjoyed.
So, it’s one thing to drink, and something else to enjoy and savor your alcohol. To enjoy a spirit you have to know how to consume them. The design aspect of every glass has a reason. It’s not just made so that it looks pretty. It is made with a specific design so that it can be savored and enjoyed in the right way. So, spend some time reading about your favorite liquor and the right way to consume it.
Order on demand alcohol delivery
There are many “on demand” alcohol delivery app available in the market today. You can simply download them and use them as Uber for alcohol. Whenever you want to get that big swig of booze, but it’s gotten over, pick up your smart phone and just go for it! If you are a big alcohol aficionado, you can also take it up as a business. Buy on demand alcohol app and make people all around really really happy!